2. Establish EC2 Server

Create EC2 Instance

  1. Go to EC2 Console and click “Instances”:

    • Click “Launch Instance” to create a new instance.

    EC2 Console EC2 Console

  2. In the Launch an instance tab:

    • Name tag: Inference Server
    • AMI: Amazon Linux 2023 AMI
    • Instance Type: t2.micro


    In the key pair section, create a new key pair named key-pair-inference-1 of type RSA in .ppk format and download it. This key pair will be used to connect to the instance.

    In the Network settings section, select the Edit button.

    • Choose the VPC with tag name vpc-inference-1.
    • Choose the subnet with tag name subnet-inference-1.
    • Enable auto-assign public IP.
    • Select existing security group sg-inference-1.
    • Click Launch instance.

    EC2 EC2