1.5 Internet Gateway

An internet gateway is a horizontally scaled, redundant, and highly available VPC component that allows communication between your VPC and the internet. It supports IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. It does not cause availability risks or bandwidth constraints on your network traffic.

Create Internet Gateway

  1. At the VPC management console:

    • Click Internet gateways.
    • Click Create route table.

    Internet Gateway Console Internet Gateway Console

  2. At the Create internet gateway page, enter the following information:

    • Name tag: internet-gateway-inference-1.
    • Click Create internet gateway.

    Create Internet Gateway Create Internet Gateway

  3. After the internet gateway is created, you will need to attach it to the VPC.

    • Click Actions.
    • Click Attach to VPC.

    Attach Internet Gateway Attach Internet Gateway

    • In the Attach to VPC dialog box, choose the VPC with tag vpc-inference-1 and click Attach.

    Attach Internet Gateway to VPC Attach Internet Gateway to VPC

  4. Update the route table to route internet traffic to the internet gateway.

    • Click Route tables.
    • Click the route table with tag route-table-inference-1.
    • Click Routes.
    • Click Edit routes.

    Edit Route Table Edit Route Table

    • Click Add route.
    • Choose Destination as
    • Choose Target as the internet gateway with tag internet-gateway-inference-1.
    • Click Save changes.

    Add Route to Internet Gateway Add Route to Internet Gateway